Friday, January 2, 2009

A Brand New Year

I can never really get too worked up over holidays. I enjoy the time off, sure, and the time I spend with family and friends and all, but, the actual event never really touches me, and I find myself looking in on the inevitable pomp and ceremony of the thing with a knowing smile, of the sort that you usually reserve for over-eager children, or adults who pretend to know much more than they actually do.

It's the sort of smile I see a lot of, so it's easy to emulate when I need to.

In any event, for better or for worse, we and the terraqueous globe upon which we stand have been thrown 'round the sun once more. Hurrah for the inverse-square law of universal gravitation, and hurrah for the only national drinking holiday in honor of physics!

And so, it's in honor of Sir Isaac that I make a resolution for the new year, and not to placate the howling masses of the unwashed; the faex populi. Listen! and I shall tell you the goal I place before myself in the new year. Draw near, and hear!

I resolve here, and publicly to fail more.

What's that mean exactly? Well, think it though. If I'm failing at things, that means I'm doing something, working at something, working towards something, and learning. Failure has always been something I've been afraid of, something to avoid at all costs; better do nothing then to fall on your face.

I have no idea where I got this attitude from, but it does me no good; it keeps my blogger account full of half finished entries that were abandoned in disgust even before they could rightly be called an 'initial draft'. I'll blame my public school education.

But still, I resolve to fail more, and learn from it, grow from it, and be a better sort of person all around. Might even venture out into the social sphere and get my fail on there too! Glorious!

So, with that, I bid you fare-well, and wish you think upon Sir Isaac at this time of year, remembering that he's the reason for the season!

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